Pale Hands
The name “Shalimar” was inspired by the “Kashmiri Song”:
“Pale hands I loved beside the Shalimar …
Pale hands, pink tipped, like Lotus buds that float
On those cool waters where we used to dwell.”
Dubarry’s second sheet of adverts had three designs, advertising Crème Shalimar in addition to Talcum Powder, and these are known as Group 2. The sheet had four varieties of “Pair of hands”, twelve varieties of “Man and woman at opera”, and four varieties of “Oriental couple” for a total of 20 adverts.
These were included in KGV Photogravure booklets:
Series 3: BB29 312, 313, 319
Series 4: BB17 337, 344
Series 5: BB37 14
and in King Edward VIII booklets:
Series 3: BC3 322, 323, 324
Series 4: BC2 359, 360, 361, 365
and in King George VI booklets, but these are rare:
Series 3: BD22 367, 368
The King George V booklets listed above contain adverts from Group 2 only. Editions 312 and 313 also exist without Dubarry adverts. The King Edward VIII and King George VI booklets contain adverts from Group 2 and Group 3. Note that BC3 321 and BC2 372 contain adverts from Group 3 only, so are not listed here.
No. 6 – Pair of hands (Type I)
Type I (back): DUBARRY’S CRÈME SHALIMAR in two lines.
This example is Setting 6.1.1
Setting 6.1.1: CREME left foot of M closed;
SHALIMAR 2 dots in H
Setting 6.1.2: CREME left foot of M open;
DUBARRY mark on left arm of A;
Corner of border below HANDS rounded
Setting 6.1.3: CREME left foot of M closed;
SHALIMAR dot above bottom arm of S
Setting 6.1.4: CREME dots in bottom arm of E, left foot of M open;
DUBARRY mark on right arm of Y
This setting is different from the Setting 4 shown in British Stamp Booklets. There are four distinct settings with DUBARRY’S CRÈME SHALIMAR in two lines, all from Group 2. Settings with DUBARRY’S CRÈME SHALIMAR in one line are from Group 3.
No. 7 – Man and woman at opera
Type I: DUBARRY half on black and half on white; SEE OVERLEAF sloping
This example is Setting 7.1.1
Setting 7.1.1: DUBARRY top left corner of D blunted
Setting 7.1.2: DUBARRY many flecks in BARR
Type II: DUBARRY half on black and half on white; SEE OVERLEAF upright
This example is Setting 7.2.8
Advert 7 Type II has eight settings, arranged as four pairs. The settings may be distinguished by the triangular centre of the A in DUBARRY. There are four varieties: a single dot, two dots, a horizontal strip, and solid black. Each of these varieties has two settings which can then be distinguished by other letters.
Setting 7.2.1: DUBARRY dot in loop of D,
centre of A has a single white dot in lower right corner
Setting 7.2.2: DUBARRY dot in back of D,
centre of A has a single white dot in lower right corner;
POWDER mark on left side of P
Setting 7.2.3: DUBARRY; top left corner of D right angled
centre of A has white mark in top left and dot in lower right
Setting 7.2.4: DUBARRY top left corner of D indented, mark lower left of B,
centre of A has white mark in top left and dot in lower right
Setting 7.2.5: DUBARRY marks in left arm of U, centre solid black
centre of A has a horizontal white strip at base;
SEE marks in lower arm of both Es
Setting 7.2.6: DUBARRY centre of U is solid black,
centre of A has a horizontal white strip at base;
POWDER mark on bottom of O
Setting 7.2.7: DUBARRY centre of A is solid black;
OVERLEAF marks at bottom of A and F
Setting 7.2.8: DUBARRY centre of A is solid black;
DELIGHT cut in G at base right
Type III: DUBARRY on white
This example is Setting 7.3.1
Setting 7.3.1: DUBARRY border above 1st R level;
BATH two marks after H
Setting 7.3.2: DUBARRY border above 1st R uneven;
BATH single mark after H;
SEE mark in top arm of 2nd E
No. 8 – Oriental couple
Type I: SEE OVERLEAF in two lines
This example is Setting 8.1.1
Setting 8.1.1: WHITE mark in W and dot in E
Setting 8.1.2: FOR dot in R; HANDS mark at left foot of A
Type II: SEE OVERLEAF in one line
This example is Setting 8.2.2
Setting 8.2.1: SHALIMAR mark to right of 1st A;
SMOOTH dots in both Os
Setting 8.2.2: SHALIMAR mark to left leg of M;
DUBARRY marks to left of D and right of Y;
HANDS mark in foot of A
British Stamp Booklets describes Advert 8 Type II with an irregular black background behind the legs. Most likely this refers to the white gap sometimes seen between the figure and the background. This gap is produced by poor alignment of the black and coloured printings and is not a different setting.
Next: Dubarry Group 3