Machine Vended

Wilding Booklets

1.1  1s Booklets
1.2  2s Booklets

Machin Booklets

2.1  2s Booklets
2.2  Varieties

Dummy Booklets


4.1  Wilding
4.2  Machin


The machine vended booklets continued on from the 1s sub-series D & E of King George VI, sub-series D having panes made from the first two columns of counter sheets, watermark upright only, and sub-series E made from sheets printed specifically for booklet panes of four, upright and inverted.

Sub-series F 2s booklets were introduced in 1959, similar to the sub-series E 1s booklets but with an additional pane of 3d stamps. The first booklet of sub-series F contained adverts from the Bacon Information Council, and is sometimes called “the bacon booklet”.

Cylinders of 480 stamps were introduced in 1961, printing watermark Crowns sideways with 24 rows of 20 stamps, 60 panes Crown to left, 60 panes Crown to right.

The series continued with Machin stamps from 1968 until the withdrawal of 2s booklets in 1971, prior to decimalisation.

Wilding Booklets

A pack of ten sub-series D booklets with the wrapper band showing the code letter “D”.

D(3) E1 Sept 1953
D(4) E2 Nov 1957
E(5) K1 July 1954
E(6) K1a Nov 1954
E(7) K2 July 1956
E(8) K2a June 1957
E(9) K2b Aug 1958
E(10) K3 Aug 1959
E(11) K3a Oct 1960

Sub-series D & E numbering.

1s Booklet Series 6, Sub-series D: E1

Unprinted cream covers containing two panes of two 1½d, 1d and ½d stamps. The stamp panes were made from the first two columns of counter sheets.

Date: Sept 1953
Printer: Harrison
Watermark: Tudor Crown (upright only)
Makeup: FC, SB61, SB61, SB22, SB22, SB3, SB3, BC

1s Booklet Series 6, Sub-series D: E2

Unprinted cream covers containing two panes of two 1½d, 1d and ½d stamps. The stamp panes were made from the first two columns of counter sheets.

Date: Nov 1957
Printer: Harrison
Watermark: St. Edward’s Crown (upright only)
Makeup: FC, SB64, SB64, SB28, SB28, SB6, SB6, BC

E2a: stitched back to front

Mixed watermarks are known: EEEETT

1s Booklet Series 6, Sub-series E: K1

The stamp panes were from sheets of 216 designed for “E” stamp booklets. Sheets were printed from single pane cylinders with 18 rows of 12 stamps, 120 stamps upright (30 panes of 4) and 96 stamps inverted (24 panes of 4), all with binding margins at the top. Individual booklets have all panes upright, or all inverted.

Date: July 1954
Printer: Harrison
Watermark: Tudor Crown
Makeup: FC, SB60, SB21, SB2, BC

1s Booklet Series 6, Sub-series E: K1a

Same as K1 but with a different back cover.

Date: Nov 1954
Printer: Harrison
Watermark: Tudor Crown
Makeup: FC, SB60, SB21, SB2, BC

1s Booklet Series 6, Sub-series E: K2

Date: July 1956
Printer: Harrison
Watermark: St. Edward’s Crown
Makeup: FC, SB63, SB27, SB5, BC

1s Booklet Series 6, Sub-series E: K2a

Same as K2 but with back cover “£10 only”.

Date: June 1957
Printer: Harrison
Watermark: St. Edward’s Crown
Makeup: FC, SB63, SB27, SB5, BC

1s Booklet Series 6, Sub-series E: K2b

Same as K2a but with Inland Letter Rate 3d (rate increased on 1 Oct 1957) and perforation changed from P to AP.

Date: Aug 1958
Printer: Harrison
Watermark: St. Edward’s Crown
Makeup: FC, SB63, SB27, SB5, BC

1s Booklet Series 6, Sub-series E: K3

Date: Aug 1959
Printer: Harrison
Watermark: Crowns
Makeup: FC, SB67, SB32, SB9, BC

1s Booklet Series 6, Sub-series E: K3a

Same as K3 but with Overseas Letter Rate 4d.

An out-of-date Overseas Postage Rates was included in error and, in some booklets, was pen cancelled with an “X” in blue, red, or black.

Date: Oct 1960
Printer: Harrison
Watermark: Crowns
Makeup: FC, SB67, SB32, SB9, BC

Type E Machine

Photographs taken in 1957 of a Type E booklet vending machine at Waterloo Station. Note the 3d lettercard vending machine on the left, a few of these were adapted for delivery of 2/6 booklets.

2s Booklet Series 6, Sub-series F

Sub-series F wrapper bands flattened to display the top and one side.

F(1) N1 Apr 1959
F(2) N2 Nov 1960
F(3) N3 Feb 1961
F(4) N4/p Apr 1961
F(5) N5 Sept 1961
F(6) N6 Jan 1962
F(7) N7 Apr 1962
F(8) N8/p July 1962
F(9) N9/p Nov 1962
F(10) N10/p Jan 1963
F(11) N11 Mar 1963
F(12) N12/p June 1963
F(13) NR1 July 1963
F(14) N13/p Aug 1963
F(15) NR1a Sept 1963
F(16) N14/p Oct 1963
F(17) N15/p Feb 1964
F(18) N16/p June 1964
F(19) NR2 July 1964
F(20) N17/p Aug 1964
F(21) N18/p Oct 1964
F(22) N19/p Dec 1964
F(23) N20/p Apr 1965
F(24) N21/p July 1965
F(25) N22/p Oct 1965
F(26) NX1 Dec 1965
F(27) N23/p Jan 1966
F(28) N24/p Apr 1966
F(29) N25/p Jul 1966
F(30) N26/p Oct 1966
F(31) N27/p Jan 1967
F(32) N28p Apr 1967
F(33) N29p July 1967
F(34) N30p Oct 1967
F(35) N31p Jan 1968
F(36) N32p Mar 1968
F(37) NP27 May 1968
F(38) NP28 July 1968
F(39) NP29 Aug 1968
F(40) NP30/31a Sept 1968
F(41) NP32 Nov 1968
F(42) NP31/33 Jan 1969
F(43) NP34 Mar 1969
F(44) NP35 May 1969
F(45) NP36 July 1969
F(46) NP37 Sept 1969
F(47) NP38 Nov 1969
F(48) NP39 Jan 1970
F(49) NP40 Mar 1970
F(50) NP41 May 1970
F(51) NP42 July 1970
F(52) NP43 Aug 1970
F(53) NP44 Oct 1970
F(54) NP45 Dec 1970

Sub-series F numbering.

2s Booklet Series 6, Sub-series F: N1

The bacon booklet. Essays were produced by the advertising contractor, J. Weiner Ltd. The first essay has two panes of 1½d stamps and three interleaves, the second without stamps has four cards with paste-ups, the third (front & back shown) has card covers with five interleaves.

Date: Apr 1959
Printer: Harrison
Watermark: St. Edward’s Crown
Makeup: FC, int, SB91, int, SB63, int, SB27, int, SB5, int, BC

Fully interleaved with adverts from the Bacon Information Council.
To see the bacon adverts, see Adverts & Interleaves below.

2s Booklet Series 6, Sub-series F: N2

Date: Nov 1960
Printer: Harrison
Watermark: Crowns
Makeup: FC, int, SB94, int, SB67, int, SB32, int, SB9, int, BC

2s Booklet Series 6, Sub-series F: N3

Same as N2 but with a lemon coloured cover.

Date: Feb 1961
Printer: Harrison
Watermark: Crowns
Makeup: FC, int, SB94, int, SB67, int, SB32, int, SB9, int, BC

2s Booklet Series 6, Sub-series F: N4-20

Crowns sideways, cream or whiter paper.
Date at the foot of the back cover.

The stamps panes were from sheets of 480 stamps printed sideways,
24 rows of 20 stamps, 60 panes Crown to left, 60 panes Crown to right.

Date: Apr 1961
Printer: Harrison
Watermark: Crowns (sideways)
Makeup: FC, int, SB95/96, int, SB68/69, int, SB33/34, int, SB10/11, int, BC
Phosphor: FC, int, SB101/102, int, SB74/75, int, SB43/44, int, SB18/19, int, BC

N4: stitched with white thread
Others: stitched with black thread

N4 Apr 1961 N4p bp
N5 Sept 1961
N6 Jan 1962
N7 Apr 1962
N8 July 1962 N8p bp
N9 Nov 1962 N9p bp
N10 Jan 1963 N10p bp
N11 Mar 1963
N12 June 1963 N12p bp
N13 Aug 1963 N13p bp
N14 Oct 1963 N14p bp
N15 Feb 1964 N15p bp
N16 June 1964 N16p bp
N17 Aug 1964 N17p bp
N18 Oct 1964 N18p bp
N19 Dec 1964 N19p bp
N20 Apr 1965 N20p bp

N4p: is known with “BLUE PHOS” in violet on the front cover.
N5: is known with the back cover inverted.

2s Booklet Series 6, Sub-series F: N21-32

On 17 May 1965 the minimum inland letter rate increased from 3d to 4d.

Date: July 1965
Printer: Harrison
Watermark: Crowns (sideways)
Makeup: FC, int, SB106, int, SB35/36/37/38, int, int, int, BC
Phos (bp): FC, int, SB108, int, SB45/46/47/48, int, int, int, BC
Phos (v8p): FC, int, SB110, int, SB50/51/52/53, int, int, int, BC
Phos (v9p): FC, int, int, SB112, int, SB55/56/57/58, int, BC

Booklets N21-22p have one interleaf at front, and three at back.
Booklets N23-32p have two interleaves at front, and one at back.

N21 July 1965 N21p bp
N22 Oct 1965 N22p bp, v8p
N23 Jan 1966 N23p bp, v8p
N24 Apr 1966 N24p v8p
N25 July 1966 N25p v8p
N26 Oct 1966 N26p v8p
N27 Jan 1967 N27p v8p
Apr 1967 N28p v8p, v9p
July 1967 N29p v8p
Oct 1967 N30p v8p, v9p
Jan 1968 N31p v8p*, v9p
Mar 1968 N32p v8p*, v9p

* v8p(b): 8mm bands on 4d pane
* v8p(c): 8mm bands on se-tenant pane

2s Booklet Series 6, Sub-series F: NR1

Holiday postcard booklets.

For experimental booklet NR1, sheets were printed on chalk-surfaced paper from special 240-set single pane cylinders with 20 rows of 12 stamps, 30 panes upright and 30 panes inverted. Individual booklets have all panes upright, or all inverted.

Date: July 1963, Sept 1963
Printer: Harrison
Watermark: Crowns
Makeup: FC, int, int, SB84, int, SB84, int, SB12, int, int, BC

NR1: stitched with black thread
NR1a: stitched with white thread

Holiday postcard booklets NR1/a and NR2 were designed for postcards at the 2½d rate. Booklet NR1 was on sale from 15 July 1963 until 30 Sept 1963. The initial printing of 415,000 was inadequate and a supplementary issue of
50,000 (NR1a) was put on sale on 3 Sept 1963. The booklet was available in London (at Trafalgar Square), by post from the Philatelic Bureau, and replaced the standard 2s booklets at the following 66 holiday resort towns:

Aberystwyth Fort William Pwllheli
Ayr Falmouth Ramsgate
Barmouth Great Yarmouth Rhyl
Bath Harrogate Ryde
Bangor Hastings Rothesay
Belfast Ilfracombe St. Andrews
Bournemouth Inverness St. Ives
Bridlington Llandudno Scarborough
Brighton Llangollen Salisbury
Blackpool Larne Southport
Canterbury Londonderry Stratford-on-Avon
Cardigan Llanrwst Tenby
Caernarvon Leamington Spa Torquay
Cambridge Margate Wells
Cleethorpes Minehead Weymouth
Colwyn Bay Newquay Weston-super-Mare
Crieff Oban Winchester
Dover Oxford Windermere
Dunbar Penzance Whitby
Eastbourne Pitlochry Whitley Bay
Edinburgh Porthcawl Worcester
Folkestone Portrush York

2s Booklet Series 6, Sub-series F: NR2

Date: July 1964
Printer: Harrison
Watermark: Crowns (sideways)
Makeup: FC, int, SB13, int, SB13, int, SB13, int, SB13, int, BC

Booklet NR2 was on sale from 1 July 1964 until 30 Sept 1964.

2s Booklet Series 6, Sub-series F: NX1

The Christmas card booklet.

Date: Dec 1965
Printer: Harrison
Watermark: Crowns (sideways)
Makeup: FC, int, int, SB96, int, SB96, int, int, BC

Christmas card booklet NX1 was designed for Christmas and New Year cards at the 3d rate. The booklet was on sale from 6 Dec 1965 until 3 Jan 1966 and was available in London (at Trafalgar Square and Earls Court) and at the following 24 provincial towns:

Aberdeen Carlisle Londonderry
Ayr Coleraine Newport
Bath Coventry Oldham
Belfast Croydon Oxford
Bishops Stortford Derby Scarborough
Bournemouth Doncaster Stratford-upon-Avon
Burnley Dunfermline Swansea
Cardiff Hastings Scarborough

This booklet was reissued from 16 May 1966 until 30 Sept 1966 as a holiday postcard booklet. It was available at 77 holiday resorts and tourist centres. In London, it was available at Trafalgar Square.

Machin Booklets

Packs of ten Machin booklets with buff wrapper bands.

2s Booklet Series 6, Sub-series F: NP27-29

Date: May 1968
Printer: Harrison
Watermark: none
Makeup: FC, int, int, UB10, int, UB5/a, int, BC

NP27 May 1968
NP28 July 1968
NP29 Aug 1968

2s Booklet Series 6, Sub-series F: NP30-33

Date: Sept 1968
Printer: Harrison
Watermark: none
Makeup: FC, int, int, UB10/12, int, UB13, int, BC

UB10 (two bands):
NP30 Sept 1968
NP31 Jan 1969

UB12 (centre band):
NP31a Sept 1968
NP32 Nov 1968
NP33 Jan 1969

It is possible than NP31 and NP31a were “created” and not Post Office issue.

2s Booklet Series 6, Sub-series F: NP34-45

Same as NP30-33 but with 4d stamp colour changed to bright vermilion.

Date: Mar 1969
Printer: Harrison
Watermark: none
Makeup: FC, int, int, UB15, int, UB18, int, BC

NP34 Mar 1969
NP35 May 1969
NP36 July 1969
NP37 Sept 1969
NP38 Nov 1969
NP39 Jan 1970
NP40 Mar 1970
NP41 May 1970
NP42 July 1970
NP43 Aug 1970
NP44 Oct 1970
NP45 Dec 1970

Machin Varieties

NP29, NP30, NP32: are known with an extra 4d pane.
NP30, NP32: are known with an extra se-tenant pane.

NP29-NP35: inside front cover “AT YOU 55” for “AT AGE 55”:

Found in some booklets from Aug 1968 to May 1969.

NP34: imprint “LOODON” for “LONDON”:

Found in two states, with an attempt to correct the error by breaking the 2nd “O”.

NP36: overprinted “SCHOOL SPECIMEN” (forgery):

Some hundreds of inexpensive booklets were stamped “SCHOOL SPECIMEN” in the 1990s.
Genuine school specimen booklets are rare.

NP38b: imprint “HARRISOU” for “HARRISON”:

Nov 1969, incorrectly listed as NP44b in some catalogues.

Dummy Booklets

Dummy booklets made from the same card and interleaf materials as the issued booklets were used to test stamp vending machines. Stamp panes were simulated with plain paper panes.

Cream covers as BD7 and K1, with three perforated gummed panes, no interleaves.
Salmon covers as N1, with four perforated gummed panes, and five blank interleaves.

Lemon covers as N4, with four imperforate gummed panes, and five blank interleaves.

Orange-yellow covers as NP27, with two imperforate gummed panes, and four interleaves.
Grey covers as NP30, with two perforated gummed panes, and four interleaves.

Booklet Panes

Wilding Booklets

Booklet panes of two were made from the first two columns of counter sheets, upright watermark only. All exist with a half-V cut in the selvedge at top or bottom, Types E(½v) and I(½v).

Booklet panes of four were made from sheets of 216 designed for “E” stamp booklets (K1-3, N1-3), from sheets of 240 (NR1/a) which were similar to “E” sheets but with an additional row of six panes of four, and from sheets of 480 with watermark Crowns sideways.

Booklet panes from booklet NR1/a, and panes with watermark Crowns sideways, exist with a half-V cut in the selvedge at top or bottom, Type I(½v).

Full sheet reconstructions are shown under Sheets & Perforations.

“Sideways” refers to the orientation of the watermark relative to the printed stamp image. However, as these stamp panes were bound into the booklets sideways, a sideways watermark is upright relative to the booklet. The Crowns image on the left is watermark upright, that on the right is watermark sideways.

Phosphor bands, two per stamp.
(Single band on some se-tenant panes, shown below).

SB3: Tudor (upright); Booklets E1; Perfs E; Cyls 1, 3
SB6: St. Edward (upright); Booklets E2; Perfs E; Cyls 3
(BSB notes St. Edward Cyl 1 in W.A.Tester collection, but it’s a Tudor pane in a mixed booklet.)

SB22: Tudor (upright); Booklets E1; Perfs E, I; Cyls 1, 2
SB28: St. Edward (upright); Booklets E2; Perfs E; Cyls 1

SB61: Tudor (upright); Booklets E1; Perfs E, I; Cyls 2, 6, 9, 12
SB64: St. Edward (upright); Booklets E2; Perfs E; Cyls 13, 14
(Tudor panes showing Cyl 1 are known forged from sheet stamps.)

SB2/a: Tudor; Booklets K1/a; Perfs P; Cyls* E3
SB5/a: St. Edward; Booklets K2/b, N1; Perfs P (K2/a), AP (K2b, N1); Cyls* E3
SB9/a: Crowns; Cream paper; Booklets K3/a, N2-3; Perfs AP; Cyls* E3
SB10/a: Cr. Swys; Cream paper; Booklets N4-20; Perfs I, AP; Cyls E13
SB11/a: Cr. Swys; Whiter paper; Booklets N4-20; Perfs I, AP; Cyls E13
SB18/a: Cr. Swys; Blue phos, cream paper; N4p-20p; Perfs I, AP; Cyls E13
SB19/a: Cr. Swys; Blue phos, whiter paper; N4p-20p; Perfs I, AP; Cyls E13

* cylinder numbers do not appear in the finished booklets K1-3, N1-3.

SB12/a: Crowns; Chalk-surfaced paper; Booklets NR1/a; Perfs I, AP; Cyls* 3 (½d), 2 (2½d)
SB13/a: Cr. Swys; Whiter paper; Booklets NR2; Perfs I, AP; Cyls E14 (½d), J15 (2½d)

* cylinder numbers do not appear in the finished booklets NR1/a.

SB21/a: Tudor; Booklets K1/a; Perfs P; Cyls* F8
SB27/a: St. Edward; Booklets K2/b, N1; Perfs P (K2/a), AP (K2b, N1); Cyls* F8, F11
SB32/a: Crowns; Cream paper; Booklets K3/a, N2-3; Perfs AP; Cyls* F11
SB33/a: Cr. Swys; Cream paper; Booklets N4-20; Perfs I, AP; Cyls F12
SB34/a: Cr. Swys; Whiter paper; Booklets N4-20; Perfs I, AP; Cyls F12
SB43/a: Cr. Swys; Blue phos, cream paper; N4p-20p; Perfs I, AP; Cyls F12
SB44/a: Cr. Swys; Blue phos, whiter paper; N4p-20p; Perfs I, AP; Cyls F12

* cylinder numbers do not appear in the finished booklets K1-3, N1-3.

SB35-38: Cr. Swys; Whiter paper; Booklets N21-27; Perfs I, AP; Cyls F13 (1d), K22 (3d)
SB45-48: Cr. Swys; Blue phos, whiter paper; N21p-23p; Perfs I, AP; Cyls F13, K22
SB50-53: Cr. Swys; Violet 8mm phos; N22p-32p; Perfs I, AP; Cyls F13, K22
SB55-58: Cr. Swys; Violet 9.5mm phos; N28p-32p; Perfs I, AP; Cyls F13, K22

SB60/a: Tudor; Booklets K1/a; Perfs P; Cyls* G5
SB63/a: St. Edward; Booklets K2/b, N1; Perfs P (K2/a), AP (K2b, N1); Cyls* G5
SB67/a: Crowns; Cream paper; Booklets K3/a, N2-3; Perfs AP; Cyls* G5
SB68/a: Cr. Swys; Cream paper; Booklets N4-20; Perfs I, AP; Cyls G17
SB69/a: Cr. Swys; Whiter paper; Booklets N4-20; Perfs I, AP; Cyls G17
SB74/a: Cr. Swys; Blue phos, cream paper; N4p-20p; Perfs I, AP; Cyls G17
SB75/a: Cr. Swys; Blue phos, whiter paper; N4p-20p; Perfs I, AP; Cyls G17

* cylinder numbers do not appear in the finished booklets K1-3, N1-3.

SB84/a: Crowns; Chalk-surfaced paper; Booklets NR1/a; Perfs I, AP; Cyls* 1

* cylinder numbers do not appear in the finished booklets NR1/a.

SB91/a: St. Edward; Booklets N1; Perfs AP; Cyls* K9
SB94/a: Crowns; Cream paper; Booklets N2-3; Perfs AP; Cyls* K12
SB95/a: Cr. Swys; Cream paper; Booklets N4-20; Perfs I, AP; Cyls K19
SB96/a: Cr. Swys; Whiter paper; Booklets N4-20, NX1; Perfs I, AP; Cyls K19
SB101/a: Cr. Swys; Blue phos, cream paper; N4p-20p; Perfs I, AP; Cyls K19
SB102/a: Cr. Swys; Blue phos, whiter paper; N4p-20p; Perfs I, AP; Cyls K19

* cylinder numbers do not appear in the finished booklets K1-3, N1-3.

SB106/a: Cr. Swys; Booklets N21-27; Perfs I, AP; Cyls N4
SB108/a: Cr. Swys; Blue phos; Booklets N21p-23p; Perfs I, AP; Cyls N4
SB110/a: Cr. Swys; Violet 8mm phos; N22p-32p; Perfs I, AP; Cyls N4
SB112/a: Cr. Swys; Violet 9.5mm phos; N28p-32p; Perfs I, AP; Cyls N4

Machin Booklets

All panes of four from Machin booklets have PVA gum, and Machin Head B.
All exist with a half-V cut in the selvedge at top or bottom, Type I(½v).

UB5/a: two bands; PVA; Head B; Booklets NP27-29; Perfs I, AP; Cyls* F2 (1d), K1 (3d)

UB10: two bands; PVA; Head B; Booklets NP27-31; Perfs I, AP; Cyls* N3
UB12: centre band; PVA; Head B; Booklets NP31a-33; Perfs P, I, AP; Cyls* N3
UB13: centre band; PVA; Head B; Booklets NP30-33; Perfs P, I, AP; Cyls* N6

UB15: centre band; PVA; Head B; Booklets NP34-45; Perfs P, I, AP (Rare); Cyls* N3
UB18: centre band; PVA; Head B; Booklets NP34-45; Perfs P, I, AP (Rare); Cyls* N6

* cylinder numbers do not appear in the finished booklets NP27-45.

Adverts & Interleaves

The first machine vended booklet to contain adverts was the first sub-series F 2s booklet from April 1959, which was similar to the 1s booklets but with an additional pane of 3d stamps. Earlier machine vended booklets had either no interleaves or plain paper interleaves. This first sub-series F booklet contained adverts from the Bacon Information Council, and is sometimes called “the bacon booklet”.

Next: QEII Wilding