Precancelled panes are from booklets intended for non-postal purposes, with the stamps cancelled to prevent any possible postal use. These booklets were used for trials, as samples, as reference copies, and with the introduction of commercial advertising in edition (5), for advertisers voucher copies.
Cancels were applied in pen and ink, with circular obliterators, with SPECIMEN and CANCELLED overprints, and with punched holes.
Obliterator identification numbers (OIDs) are included in many circular precancels, usually at the bottom of the ring and occasionally in the centre. A list of those seen is given below each type, but there are likely more.
Some precancelled booklets are punched, usually in the top left corner, others are spiked.
Click the images to enlarge.
Precancelled Type A

Cancelled by diagonal lines in ink over each stamp.
Used in booklets BA2-5 editions (2) to (5).
Precancelled Type B

Double ring with “E.C.A”, used in booklet BA5(6).
Precancelled Types C and D

Double ring with “E.C.U” and “E.C.K”, used in booklet BA5(6).
Precancelled “ECE and “ECQ”

Double ring with “E.C.E” and “E.C.Q”, used in booklet BA5(6).
Both known as complete booklets (ECQ punched).
ECE known as an MB2 pane without selvedge.
Precancelled Type E

Double ring with “London Chief Office, E.C.”
Used in booklets BA5(6), BA6(7), and BB1.
Precancelled Type F

Single ring with “London (Chief Office) E.C.”
Used on Downey Head stamps in booklet BB2 edition (12) dated “3 JY 12”,
and on Profile Head stamps in booklets BB6(17), BB7(41), and BB24(67).
The 1d example dated “20 MR 14”, ex Shaida, is said to be a photogravure design trial circa 1934, the last stamp having the head surround painted in to see the effect of a solid background, but the date makes this improbable.
Precancelled Types G and I

Double ring with “London.E.C”, with and without time slugs.
Type G — with time slugs “6 PM”:
OIDs: 49, 50, 51, 52
Used on Downey Head stamps in booklet BB2 edition (11) dated “AP 12 12”,
and on Profile Head stamps in booklet BB6 edition 13 dated “SP 18 13”.
Type I — without time slugs:
OIDs: 1, 2, 5, 9, 22, 42, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 71, 72, 78, 79, 80, 81, 83, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94, 96, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 147, 148, 154, 156, 158, 162, 164, 165, 166, 168, 173, 174, 176, 177, 178
Used on Downey Head stamps in booklet BB5,
and on Profile Head stamps in booklets BB6-12, BB18-24, and BB30-32.
Precancelled Type H (Small)

Single ring 20-21mm diameter with “London.E.C”.
OIDs: C11, G, N, R1, R2, R8
Used on Downey Head stamps in booklet BB4,
and on Profile Head stamps in booklets BB19, BB31, and BB32.
Precancelled Type H (Medium and Large)

Single ring 22-23mm (medium) diameter
or 24-25mm (large) diameter with “London.E.C”.
OIDs (medium): 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 44, 47, 48, 52
OIDs (large): 22, 53, 58, D
Used on Downey Head stamps in booklet BB5,
and on Profile Head stamps in booklets BB6, BB9, BB10, BB19, BB30, and BB32.
Precancelled Type I/J

Single ring 25mm with curved “London Chief Office”.
A steel obliterator like Type I but in a format similar to Type J.
Used on booklet BB24 edition 63 dated “13 SP 24”.
Precancelled Types J and K

Type J — single ring with curved “London Chief Office”.
Type K — with curved “London” and straight “Chief Office”.
Violet ink applied with rubber obliterators on booklets BB12 and BB24.